
Il miglior porno di Occhi scuri

Video totali: 25
THE BAD UNCLE RETURNS UNCLE CONVINCES NIECE TO HELP LURE & SEDUCE HER YOUNGER SISTER PREVIOUSLY ON PURE TABOO: This is the story about how Diana (Jaye Summers) really lost her virginity. He'd been her dad's best friend for years. Uncle Joe (Charles Dera), as he called himself, had watched her grow up -- and she was his princess, the niece he never had. But once Diana turned 18, something changed about Joe. His fondness for her turned into an obsession. So he came up with a plan to get her alone... SCENE OPENS on present-day Diana and her Uncle Joe fucking in Joe's spare bedroom on the bed, she is riding him cowgirl-style and clearly putting in a lot more work and enthusiasm. She gasps and moans in pleasure and calls out Uncle Joe's name as she bounces up and down on his dick, while Joe mostly lies there and just offers a few generic grunts in reply. Diana seems to reach orgasm after a little while and then starts asking Joe to cum inside her - Diana exclaims that she can feel it and starts to slow and eventually stop. She pulls off of him and collapses to his side on the bed, rolling over to snuggle up to him placing her arm on his chest. He doesn't seem to reciprocate much. Diana tells her uncle that was great, but he corrects her - 'it was fine,' he says gruffly. She asks him what's wrong, she did all his favorites for him! He waves her off, telling her yeah yeah, she was swell... he doesn't seem to mean it. She sits up a bit and looks worriedly at him, did she do something wrong, or something? He looks at her with a serious expression and grips both sides of her head with his hands, playing lightly with her hair. 'Listen 'Princess', no offense, but...' he starts in a rude tone, the novelty's kind of wearing off. She's no longer a teenager and she's certainly not a virgin anymore... She asks him what she could do, what he wants her to do to make him happy. He looks her up and down, considering her, then pinches her cheek affectionately, saying she's cute when she's desperate. He asks about her younger step-sister, she must be getting around 18 these days, mustn't she? Diana reluctantly says yeah, she just turned it a couple of months ago. And she's a virgin, like Diana was? '...Yes,' Diana admits. Uncle Joe looks pleased at himself for the idea and says yeah... yeah, that would do the trick alright. 'Bring her here,' he instructs her, and goes back to stroking her hair with one hand. She looks at him with reluctant subservience but doesn't say anything in reply. TITLE PLATE CUT TO another day, where Diana and Cammy (Emily Willis) are greeted at the door by a much friendlier-seeming Uncle Joe. 'There's my princesses!' he exclaims. He takes their bags from their hands and tosses them to the side, then welcomes them in. He gives Diana a brisk, business-like hug then moves on to Cammy, and hugs her for much longer. Wow, she laughs at how warmly he's greeting her, uh hi Uncle Joe! Long time no see! Uncle Joe releases her from the hug but keeps his hands on her arms as he looks her up and down, remarking at how much she's grown. He remembers when he used to come over to their house to visit their dad, and would pick her up for piggy-back rides like it was nothing, feels like only yesterday. Although he bets he could still do it! Without even waiting for permission, he scoops Cammy up in his arms and she yelps in surprise, then giggles in embarrassment. 'Uncle Joe!' she squeaks. Diana looks at them with a mix of jealousy and guilt. Once she's set down, Cammy starts to pick up her bag and Joe says no, let him take care of it! He turns back to Diana. Why doesn't she give Cammy the tour, he says suggestively to her, while he gets all their things settled in their room. Then they can all meet up outside at the pool for a swim. A pool! Cammy squeaks with excitement, she can't wait! Uncle Joe sidles up behind Diana and puts his hand firmly, ominously even, on her shoulder. Make sure the two of them don't skimp on the tour, he says to her with fake innocence, take all the time they want. She nods obediently without looking back at him, and then slips her hand into Cammy's. They scamper off, and Uncle Joe shoots a devious look at the bags. CUT TO poolside, Uncle Joe is seated comfortably in a pool chair wearing his sunglasses when the two girls emerge from the house - Cammy is still wearing her original clothes while Diana is wearing a bikini. Uncle Joe? Cammy asks, he wouldn't have happened to have seen her bathing suit when he brought the bags up to the room, did he? Uncle Joe feigns innocence and says no, he hardly touched the bags other than to bring them upstairs. Diana looks to Cammy and says see, she knew Uncle Joe wouldn't know where it is, Cammy probably forgot to pack it. But Cammy swears she remembered putting it in her bag, it was one of the first things she packed - she was really excited to go swimming and absolutely didn't want to forget. Oh, Uncle Joe says, well she shouldn't let a little thing like that ruin her fun, now. She can just swim in her underwear, he suggests. Cammy seems a bit hesitant, but Uncle Joe says come on, between her step-sister and him being their dad's best friend, they're all practically family here - no need to be so bashful. O-okay, Cammy says, warming up to the idea as she sees they don't seem to mind. She strips out of her clothes, revealing a white bra and panties underneath. 'Atta girl, Uncle Joe says, don't be shy. She flashes a grin at him and then jumps into the pool with a splash and a playful shriek. Unbeknownst to her, her white bra and panties once wet now show Uncle Joe a great view of her nubile teen body. Uncle Joe catches Diana's eye and shoots her a meaningful look and a tilt of his head towards Cammy. Diana looks back obediently and nods again slightly. She joins Cammy in the pool. 'Hey Cammy,' Diana calls out, does she remember when they used to play pool tag as kids? They should play that again! Cammy says that it might be a bit lame with just two people, and Diana taunts her, she's just saying that because she knows she won't be able to catch Cammy. Oh, it's on! Cammy giggles and chases after Diana. The two of them frolic in the water, laughing and giggling as they chase around the pool, splashing each other and trying to catch each other. Whenever Diana is 'it' and catches Cammy, she gets very handsy, giggling and hugging and pressing her body up against Cammy's. Cammy takes a cue from her and starts to do the same. Soon the two of them are barely running or chasing at all, but rather wrestling each other in the pool. Diana even playfully lowers one of Cammy's bra straps or tries to remove it, and Cammy gasps in happy shock and tries to get revenge by doing the same. Throughout, Uncle Joe watches them through his sunglasses with perverted interest. Cammy remarks she's getting hungry, and is going to fix herself a snack. She asks if Uncle Joe wants one and he jokes that he's good, he's got a couple of tasty morsels already right in front of him. Cammy looks weirded out for a moment then laughs the comment off saying that Uncle Joe is so silly, but behind her Diana shoots Uncle Joe a glare of concern. Uncle Joe then watches, with no attempt to hide it, as Cammy steps out of the pool dripping wet and grabs a towel, heading back into the house. Diana steps out of the pool next and rushes up to Uncle Joe. He has to be more careful, she warns him quietly, he's going to scare her off. They have to take things more slowly and get her warmed up to the idea, having sex with her dad's best friend is one thing but sex with her own step-sister too - it's going to make her freak if they don't handle it carefully. Uncle Joe tells Diana she'd better make damn well sure that doesn't happen, because he's just starting to enjoy himself and he's not in the mood to take things slow. So it's up to Diana to make sure her sister behaves when the time comes. Diana wouldn't want to disappoint him, would she? Diana timidly says she'll do what she can. Uncle Joe gives her a smack on the ass and tells her to get going inside. CUT TO late that night - both girls are dreaming sweet dreams, side by side in bedrolls on the floor. The bedroom door creaks open, and the light of the hall spills out into the dark bedroom. Uncle Joe's feet step into frame. He looks the girls over hungrily, edging his way into the room to get a closer look at their teen bodies in their nightwear. He moves into the space in the middle of them both and, careful not to alert them, he settles in lying down between them. His attention goes straight to Cammy. He rolls onto his side to spoon her - she moans comfortably in her dreams. He holds her like that for several seconds, then feeling emboldened, he backs up slightly from her body and pulls his hard dick out from his boxer shorts. He strokes himself, inching as close as he can to Cammy without touching her again now that his dick's out. He breathes heavily against her neck as he strokes himself. Sensing his presence, Cammy's eyes flutter open. 'D-Diana?' she asks quietly and timidly, 'is that you?' No, princess, Uncle Joe says back in a low voice, it's her Uncle Joe. Cammy still seems a bit groggy, Uncle Joe? What is he doing h- ... she rolls to her other side and sees him stroking himself and her eyes go wide. She calls out to Diana, get up, Uncle Joe is-! Diana's eyes snap open and she instantly starts to reassure her, Cammy, it's ok, it's ok! Cammy doesn't calm down right away, and tries to get Diana to realize what's going on, but Diana tells her she knows. 'What do you mean you know?' Cammy asks, panicked. Diana explains that Uncle Joe has something he wants to share with the two of them, something very special. 'No, but-' Cammy starts to protest, but Diana interrupts her. It's okay, she tells her little sister, she's going to like it, see? She grabs Uncle Joe's hard dick in her hand, and then puts her mouth on it to suck it, looking Cammy right in the eyes as she does it and saying mmmm. 'Diana, what are you-?!' Cammy tries to say, but Diana pulls her mouth off of his dick and cuts her off again. See, Cammy? she says, moving his dick to point at her little sister now as if offering it to her. It's no big deal, he just wants the two of them to thank him for his hospitality. Didn't mom and dad teach them to show manners growing up? Cammy starts to get flustered and frustrated, but this isn't right, she insists, this- 'Cammy,' Diana hisses, sounding a bit desperate. 'You're being rude! Uncle Joe invited us here, we're guests in his home, and this is how he wants us to thank him. Quit being such a brat and just give him what he wants.' Her tone softens, and she continues, saying that she promises Cammy will enjoy it. Just like Diana did. Cammy's eyes widen - like she did? Diana nods and says it makes Uncle Joe happy. It makes her happy too. Cammy looks from her sister to Uncle Joe, who's staring intently at her. 'What do you say, princess?' he coaxes her and strokes her hair. 'Don't you wanna make your Uncle Joe happy?' Cammy looks down at his dick, which he continues to stroke with his other hand. She says she guesses she can try, but she's never done anything like this before. Uncle Joe tells her don't worry, her big sister will show her everything she needs to know.

THE BAD UNCLE RETURNS UNCLE CONVINCES NIECE TO HELP LURE & SEDUCE HER YOUNGER SISTER PREVIOUSLY ON PURE TABOO: This is the story about how Diana (Jaye Summers) really lost her virginity. He'd been her dad's best friend for years. Uncle Joe (Charles Dera), as he called himself, had watched her grow up -- and she was his princess, the niece he never had. But once Diana turned 18, something changed about Joe. His fondness for her turned into an obsession. So he came up with a plan to get her alone... SCENE OPENS on present-day Diana and her Uncle Joe fucking in Joe's spare bedroom on the bed, she is riding him cowgirl-style and clearly putting in a lot more work and enthusiasm. She gasps and moans in pleasure and calls out Uncle Joe's name as she bounces up and down on his dick, while Joe mostly lies there and just offers a few generic grunts in reply. Diana seems to reach orgasm after a little while and then starts asking Joe to cum inside her - Diana exclaims that she can feel it and starts to slow and eventually stop. She pulls off of him and collapses to his side on the bed, rolling over to snuggle up to him placing her arm on his chest. He doesn't seem to reciprocate much. Diana tells her uncle that was great, but he corrects her - 'it was fine,' he says gruffly. She asks him what's wrong, she did all his favorites for him! He waves her off, telling her yeah yeah, she was swell... he doesn't seem to mean it. She sits up a bit and looks worriedly at him, did she do something wrong, or something? He looks at her with a serious expression and grips both sides of her head with his hands, playing lightly with her hair. 'Listen 'Princess', no offense, but...' he starts in a rude tone, the novelty's kind of wearing off. She's no longer a teenager and she's certainly not a virgin anymore... She asks him what she could do, what he wants her to do to make him happy. He looks her up and down, considering her, then pinches her cheek affectionately, saying she's cute when she's desperate. He asks about her younger step-sister, she must be getting around 18 these days, mustn't she? Diana reluctantly says yeah, she just turned it a couple of months ago. And she's a virgin, like Diana was? '...Yes,' Diana admits. Uncle Joe looks pleased at himself for the idea and says yeah... yeah, that would do the trick alright. 'Bring her here,' he instructs her, and goes back to stroking her hair with one hand. She looks at him with reluctant subservience but doesn't say anything in reply. TITLE PLATE CUT TO another day, where Diana and Cammy (Emily Willis) are greeted at the door by a much friendlier-seeming Uncle Joe. 'There's my princesses!' he exclaims. He takes their bags from their hands and tosses them to the side, then welcomes them in. He gives Diana a brisk, business-like hug then moves on to Cammy, and hugs her for much longer. Wow, she laughs at how warmly he's greeting her, uh hi Uncle Joe! Long time no see! Uncle Joe releases her from the hug but keeps his hands on her arms as he looks her up and down, remarking at how much she's grown. He remembers when he used to come over to their house to visit their dad, and would pick her up for piggy-back rides like it was nothing, feels like only yesterday. Although he bets he could still do it! Without even waiting for permission, he scoops Cammy up in his arms and she yelps in surprise, then giggles in embarrassment. 'Uncle Joe!' she squeaks. Diana looks at them with a mix of jealousy and guilt. Once she's set down, Cammy starts to pick up her bag and Joe says no, let him take care of it! He turns back to Diana. Why doesn't she give Cammy the tour, he says suggestively to her, while he gets all their things settled in their room. Then they can all meet up outside at the pool for a swim. A pool! Cammy squeaks with excitement, she can't wait! Uncle Joe sidles up behind Diana and puts his hand firmly, ominously even, on her shoulder. Make sure the two of them don't skimp on the tour, he says to her with fake innocence, take all the time they want. She nods obediently without looking back at him, and then slips her hand into Cammy's. They scamper off, and Uncle Joe shoots a devious look at the bags. CUT TO poolside, Uncle Joe is seated comfortably in a pool chair wearing his sunglasses when the two girls emerge from the house - Cammy is still wearing her original clothes while Diana is wearing a bikini. Uncle Joe? Cammy asks, he wouldn't have happened to have seen her bathing suit when he brought the bags up to the room, did he? Uncle Joe feigns innocence and says no, he hardly touched the bags other than to bring them upstairs. Diana looks to Cammy and says see, she knew Uncle Joe wouldn't know where it is, Cammy probably forgot to pack it. But Cammy swears she remembered putting it in her bag, it was one of the first things she packed - she was really excited to go swimming and absolutely didn't want to forget. Oh, Uncle Joe says, well she shouldn't let a little thing like that ruin her fun, now. She can just swim in her underwear, he suggests. Cammy seems a bit hesitant, but Uncle Joe says come on, between her step-sister and him being their dad's best friend, they're all practically family here - no need to be so bashful. O-okay, Cammy says, warming up to the idea as she sees they don't seem to mind. She strips out of her clothes, revealing a white bra and panties underneath. 'Atta girl, Uncle Joe says, don't be shy. She flashes a grin at him and then jumps into the pool with a splash and a playful shriek. Unbeknownst to her, her white bra and panties once wet now show Uncle Joe a great view of her nubile teen body. Uncle Joe catches Diana's eye and shoots her a meaningful look and a tilt of his head towards Cammy. Diana looks back obediently and nods again slightly. She joins Cammy in the pool. 'Hey Cammy,' Diana calls out, does she remember when they used to play pool tag as kids? They should play that again! Cammy says that it might be a bit lame with just two people, and Diana taunts her, she's just saying that because she knows she won't be able to catch Cammy. Oh, it's on! Cammy giggles and chases after Diana. The two of them frolic in the water, laughing and giggling as they chase around the pool, splashing each other and trying to catch each other. Whenever Diana is 'it' and catches Cammy, she gets very handsy, giggling and hugging and pressing her body up against Cammy's. Cammy takes a cue from her and starts to do the same. Soon the two of them are barely running or chasing at all, but rather wrestling each other in the pool. Diana even playfully lowers one of Cammy's bra straps or tries to remove it, and Cammy gasps in happy shock and tries to get revenge by doing the same. Throughout, Uncle Joe watches them through his sunglasses with perverted interest. Cammy remarks she's getting hungry, and is going to fix herself a snack. She asks if Uncle Joe wants one and he jokes that he's good, he's got a couple of tasty morsels already right in front of him. Cammy looks weirded out for a moment then laughs the comment off saying that Uncle Joe is so silly, but behind her Diana shoots Uncle Joe a glare of concern. Uncle Joe then watches, with no attempt to hide it, as Cammy steps out of the pool dripping wet and grabs a towel, heading back into the house. Diana steps out of the pool next and rushes up to Uncle Joe. He has to be more careful, she warns him quietly, he's going to scare her off. They have to take things more slowly and get her warmed up to the idea, having sex with her dad's best friend is one thing but sex with her own step-sister too - it's going to make her freak if they don't handle it carefully. Uncle Joe tells Diana she'd better make damn well sure that doesn't happen, because he's just starting to enjoy himself and he's not in the mood to take things slow. So it's up to Diana to make sure her sister behaves when the time comes. Diana wouldn't want to disappoint him, would she? Diana timidly says she'll do what she can. Uncle Joe gives her a smack on the ass and tells her to get going inside. CUT TO late that night - both girls are dreaming sweet dreams, side by side in bedrolls on the floor. The bedroom door creaks open, and the light of the hall spills out into the dark bedroom. Uncle Joe's feet step into frame. He looks the girls over hungrily, edging his way into the room to get a closer look at their teen bodies in their nightwear. He moves into the space in the middle of them both and, careful not to alert them, he settles in lying down between them. His attention goes straight to Cammy. He rolls onto his side to spoon her - she moans comfortably in her dreams. He holds her like that for several seconds, then feeling emboldened, he backs up slightly from her body and pulls his hard dick out from his boxer shorts. He strokes himself, inching as close as he can to Cammy without touching her again now that his dick's out. He breathes heavily against her neck as he strokes himself. Sensing his presence, Cammy's eyes flutter open. 'D-Diana?' she asks quietly and timidly, 'is that you?' No, princess, Uncle Joe says back in a low voice, it's her Uncle Joe. Cammy still seems a bit groggy, Uncle Joe? What is he doing h- ... she rolls to her other side and sees him stroking himself and her eyes go wide. She calls out to Diana, get up, Uncle Joe is-! Diana's eyes snap open and she instantly starts to reassure her, Cammy, it's ok, it's ok! Cammy doesn't calm down right away, and tries to get Diana to realize what's going on, but Diana tells her she knows. 'What do you mean you know?' Cammy asks, panicked. Diana explains that Uncle Joe has something he wants to share with the two of them, something very special. 'No, but-' Cammy starts to protest, but Diana interrupts her. It's okay, she tells her little sister, she's going to like it, see? She grabs Uncle Joe's hard dick in her hand, and then puts her mouth on it to suck it, looking Cammy right in the eyes as she does it and saying mmmm. 'Diana, what are you-?!' Cammy tries to say, but Diana pulls her mouth off of his dick and cuts her off again. See, Cammy? she says, moving his dick to point at her little sister now as if offering it to her. It's no big deal, he just wants the two of them to thank him for his hospitality. Didn't mom and dad teach them to show manners growing up? Cammy starts to get flustered and frustrated, but this isn't right, she insists, this- 'Cammy,' Diana hisses, sounding a bit desperate. 'You're being rude! Uncle Joe invited us here, we're guests in his home, and this is how he wants us to thank him. Quit being such a brat and just give him what he wants.' Her tone softens, and she continues, saying that she promises Cammy will enjoy it. Just like Diana did. Cammy's eyes widen - like she did? Diana nods and says it makes Uncle Joe happy. It makes her happy too. Cammy looks from her sister to Uncle Joe, who's staring intently at her. 'What do you say, princess?' he coaxes her and strokes her hair. 'Don't you wanna make your Uncle Joe happy?' Cammy looks down at his dick, which he continues to stroke with his other hand. She says she guesses she can try, but she's never done anything like this before. Uncle Joe tells her don't worry, her big sister will show her everything she needs to know.

4 years ago 40420 6:14
IMPREGNATING THE SITTER GRIEVING HUSBAND IMPREGNATES TEEN TO FULFILL LATE WIFE'S LAST WISH April (Alina Lopez), a teen babysitter, climbs the front steps of a residential home. For her, this is just another day. Another job and a few more dollars in her pocket, which she really needs. However, it looks like the man living in this home is well off because the place is HUGE! She knocks on the door and a pleasant man (Dick Chibbles) greets her. 'Mr. Perry?' April greets with a smile. 'Yes, that's me. You must be April, welcome!' Trent says. April beams, saying that she's pleased to meet him and that she can't wait to meet the boys. April moves into the living room with Trent, making some small talk where it's revealed that she's raising her younger brother. Her parents passed away, so it's all on her now. Trent is sympathetic, though he moves onto asking her questions that seem a little beyond small talk. What nationality is she, is she a gymnast, how's school going? April politely answers all the questions the best she can, even if she's uncomfortable. When it comes to school, she admits that she wants to go into fashion, though money's a bit tight since she didn't get a scholarship. Trent seems intrigued and says, well, there's no shame in working for it! April then asks where the kids are and he says they're in the playroom. He's just going to be gone for a few hours, so hopefully she won't have issues with them. When April asks when the wife will be home, though, Trent gets a bit dodgy. He simply says that she won't be coming home. She's at work and has a deadline, so... Anyway, is April ready to meet the kids? April smiles and says that she is and heads off down the hall where she's directed. As she does, Trent walks behind her with a longing gaze. 'One hell of a mother...' he says under his breath. TITLE PLATE CUT TO hours later, and April is tidying up the living room after having put the kids to bed. She picks up a few toys then moves to a table where there are crayons and a drawing. She sets the toys aside and smiles to herself. 'Aw, I wonder what they drew...?' she says to herself as she picks up the drawing. As soon as she gazes at it, her brows furrow with confusion. It's a picture with stick figures, very much a child's drawing. There's a man labeled 'Dad' and a woman next to him labeled 'Claire.' They are surrounded by three kids, the boys. They all look happy. There's another woman off to the far side labeled 'Mom.' She is smiling too but a dark crayon has scribbled her out. The picture has a disturbing vibe. 'What does this mean?' April murmurs to herself as she tries to make sense of the picture. She's a little unnerved, putting the paper back down on the table. Curious, she takes out her phone and does some research. She pulls up a search engine and searches Trent Perry's name. She quickly finds an obituary for his wife. She hears movement behind her and whirls around. Trent is looming in the doorway, looking menacing. April's startled, demanding to know what the hell is going on in this house? She points to the page on her phone with his wife's obituary -- why is he lying?! Trent looks devastated as grief washes over him, though he shakes it off. 'Listen, I can explain...' he starts, begging for her to just hear him out. April hurries to get out of there, but before she's out the door, Trent blurts, 'Have you ever had someone just DIE on you?' April pauses, painfully remembering her parents' deaths, and remains, letting him have a chance to explain himself. He begins to tell her a sad story about how he and his wife had been trying to have a baby for YEARS. Then one day, they finally got lucky, though the doctor told her not to take the baby to term. She did, anyway, but died during childbirth, giving Trent their firstborn son. Even though he loves his son, he wished he'd been given a daughter because that's what they've always wanted. April is wary, but moved by his plight, and says she's sorry for his loss. She was so confused by the picture... But who's Claire? Trent explains that Claire, the sweet young woman in that drawing, was a wet nurse for his son in that first year, someone he came to know very well in those dark days, and like April, she was someone with great maternal instincts. Desperate to rebuild his family, they made an arrangement in hopes of Claire giving him a daughter, but he got two other sons instead. And now? Claire is gone... When April asks where Claire is now, Trent dismisses the question. Instead, he says that he hopes that April can be the one to give him a daughter. April is freaked out, flat-out refusing him, though Trent quickly assures her that she doesn't need to be in LOVE with him! He's just asking her to be the vessel for his daughter. Listen, April needs to pay for college, right? He can take care of that for her! Her younger brother? Trent can make sure he gets into the best private school. Money isn't an issue for him, he just needs a womb. It's just 9 months of April's life. Plus, she'd be fulfilling his wife's last wish... April needs a few moments to think it over, conflicted. This is a lot to ask of someone, but she needs the money. She has to provide for her brother and she has big dreams for herself as well. Finally, she asks how much Trent can offer her, signaling that she's open to the deal. Trent is relieved as he approaches April and takes her by the arm, their eyes meeting. Without saying a word, although there is a mutual understanding, he slowly leads her upstairs.

IMPREGNATING THE SITTER GRIEVING HUSBAND IMPREGNATES TEEN TO FULFILL LATE WIFE'S LAST WISH April (Alina Lopez), a teen babysitter, climbs the front steps of a residential home. For her, this is just another day. Another job and a few more dollars in her pocket, which she really needs. However, it looks like the man living in this home is well off because the place is HUGE! She knocks on the door and a pleasant man (Dick Chibbles) greets her. 'Mr. Perry?' April greets with a smile. 'Yes, that's me. You must be April, welcome!' Trent says. April beams, saying that she's pleased to meet him and that she can't wait to meet the boys. April moves into the living room with Trent, making some small talk where it's revealed that she's raising her younger brother. Her parents passed away, so it's all on her now. Trent is sympathetic, though he moves onto asking her questions that seem a little beyond small talk. What nationality is she, is she a gymnast, how's school going? April politely answers all the questions the best she can, even if she's uncomfortable. When it comes to school, she admits that she wants to go into fashion, though money's a bit tight since she didn't get a scholarship. Trent seems intrigued and says, well, there's no shame in working for it! April then asks where the kids are and he says they're in the playroom. He's just going to be gone for a few hours, so hopefully she won't have issues with them. When April asks when the wife will be home, though, Trent gets a bit dodgy. He simply says that she won't be coming home. She's at work and has a deadline, so... Anyway, is April ready to meet the kids? April smiles and says that she is and heads off down the hall where she's directed. As she does, Trent walks behind her with a longing gaze. 'One hell of a mother...' he says under his breath. TITLE PLATE CUT TO hours later, and April is tidying up the living room after having put the kids to bed. She picks up a few toys then moves to a table where there are crayons and a drawing. She sets the toys aside and smiles to herself. 'Aw, I wonder what they drew...?' she says to herself as she picks up the drawing. As soon as she gazes at it, her brows furrow with confusion. It's a picture with stick figures, very much a child's drawing. There's a man labeled 'Dad' and a woman next to him labeled 'Claire.' They are surrounded by three kids, the boys. They all look happy. There's another woman off to the far side labeled 'Mom.' She is smiling too but a dark crayon has scribbled her out. The picture has a disturbing vibe. 'What does this mean?' April murmurs to herself as she tries to make sense of the picture. She's a little unnerved, putting the paper back down on the table. Curious, she takes out her phone and does some research. She pulls up a search engine and searches Trent Perry's name. She quickly finds an obituary for his wife. She hears movement behind her and whirls around. Trent is looming in the doorway, looking menacing. April's startled, demanding to know what the hell is going on in this house? She points to the page on her phone with his wife's obituary -- why is he lying?! Trent looks devastated as grief washes over him, though he shakes it off. 'Listen, I can explain...' he starts, begging for her to just hear him out. April hurries to get out of there, but before she's out the door, Trent blurts, 'Have you ever had someone just DIE on you?' April pauses, painfully remembering her parents' deaths, and remains, letting him have a chance to explain himself. He begins to tell her a sad story about how he and his wife had been trying to have a baby for YEARS. Then one day, they finally got lucky, though the doctor told her not to take the baby to term. She did, anyway, but died during childbirth, giving Trent their firstborn son. Even though he loves his son, he wished he'd been given a daughter because that's what they've always wanted. April is wary, but moved by his plight, and says she's sorry for his loss. She was so confused by the picture... But who's Claire? Trent explains that Claire, the sweet young woman in that drawing, was a wet nurse for his son in that first year, someone he came to know very well in those dark days, and like April, she was someone with great maternal instincts. Desperate to rebuild his family, they made an arrangement in hopes of Claire giving him a daughter, but he got two other sons instead. And now? Claire is gone... When April asks where Claire is now, Trent dismisses the question. Instead, he says that he hopes that April can be the one to give him a daughter. April is freaked out, flat-out refusing him, though Trent quickly assures her that she doesn't need to be in LOVE with him! He's just asking her to be the vessel for his daughter. Listen, April needs to pay for college, right? He can take care of that for her! Her younger brother? Trent can make sure he gets into the best private school. Money isn't an issue for him, he just needs a womb. It's just 9 months of April's life. Plus, she'd be fulfilling his wife's last wish... April needs a few moments to think it over, conflicted. This is a lot to ask of someone, but she needs the money. She has to provide for her brother and she has big dreams for herself as well. Finally, she asks how much Trent can offer her, signaling that she's open to the deal. Trent is relieved as he approaches April and takes her by the arm, their eyes meeting. Without saying a word, although there is a mutual understanding, he slowly leads her upstairs.

4 years ago 1702 6:14
FATHER RECALL MAN ENTERS INTO SADISTIC MIND TRADE WITH DAUGHTER'S BOYFRIEND A young man (Lucas Frost) is in a jail cell, bound and disoriented. He has no idea how he got there or what's going to happen to him. All he knows is that it can't be good. When he's hauled out of the cell, struggling to free himself from his captors, he comes face-to-face with an older man, Mr. Leblanc (Dick Chibbles), and a scientist (Chanel Preston). The young man's eyes widen as he recognizes the older man, although if he thinks Mr. Leblanc is there to help him, he's sorely mistaken. The young man is shown no mercy as he's rendered unconscious. Mr. Leblanc despises the young man, who is his precious step-daughter's boyfriend, Bill, but instructs the scientist to keep him safe since his daughter would never forgive him otherwise. However, he needs Bill's body to fulfill one of his greatest and darkest desires, which requires trading his mind with Bill's using advanced technology. Once the process is completed and he's in Bill's body, it's time to get to work... He arrives back home and greets his beautiful and unsuspecting step-daughter, Lydia (Jaye Summers). She looks every bit like her mother, making Mr. Leblanc's grieving heart ache. He misses his late wife so much... Why does BILL get to know Lydia in those most intimate ways, when HE's the one who spent 18 years raising her on his own? Lydia is thrilled to see her boyfriend, though that pleasure turns to uncertainty because of how... odd... he's acting. As they get frisky, Mr. Leblanc is unable to keep his story straight as he accidentally lets slip pet names and personal stories that only HE would know. Even despite her reservations, Lydia gives herself to him -- not knowing that she's doing it with her perverted step-father that has been lusting for her all her life. After tonight, nothing will ever be the same for any of them.

FATHER RECALL MAN ENTERS INTO SADISTIC MIND TRADE WITH DAUGHTER'S BOYFRIEND A young man (Lucas Frost) is in a jail cell, bound and disoriented. He has no idea how he got there or what's going to happen to him. All he knows is that it can't be good. When he's hauled out of the cell, struggling to free himself from his captors, he comes face-to-face with an older man, Mr. Leblanc (Dick Chibbles), and a scientist (Chanel Preston). The young man's eyes widen as he recognizes the older man, although if he thinks Mr. Leblanc is there to help him, he's sorely mistaken. The young man is shown no mercy as he's rendered unconscious. Mr. Leblanc despises the young man, who is his precious step-daughter's boyfriend, Bill, but instructs the scientist to keep him safe since his daughter would never forgive him otherwise. However, he needs Bill's body to fulfill one of his greatest and darkest desires, which requires trading his mind with Bill's using advanced technology. Once the process is completed and he's in Bill's body, it's time to get to work... He arrives back home and greets his beautiful and unsuspecting step-daughter, Lydia (Jaye Summers). She looks every bit like her mother, making Mr. Leblanc's grieving heart ache. He misses his late wife so much... Why does BILL get to know Lydia in those most intimate ways, when HE's the one who spent 18 years raising her on his own? Lydia is thrilled to see her boyfriend, though that pleasure turns to uncertainty because of how... odd... he's acting. As they get frisky, Mr. Leblanc is unable to keep his story straight as he accidentally lets slip pet names and personal stories that only HE would know. Even despite her reservations, Lydia gives herself to him -- not knowing that she's doing it with her perverted step-father that has been lusting for her all her life. After tonight, nothing will ever be the same for any of them.

4 years ago 613 6:14
Mira a tiny, stunning, raven haired European goddess who’s out walking with her husband when they see a black man whom her husband convinces to fuck his wife while he watches. Unable to resist her beauty, the stud agrees. When she sees his jet black dinosaur dick, her eyes widen with excitement as she eagerly drops to her knees, savoring sucking his donkey dick with sluttish glee. Ready for more, she mounts her closely cropped hungry hole onto his ebony tower of power in reverse cowgirl, bouncing onto it while he fires his meat missile into her and she feeds her husband her pussy juice from her fingers. Once their ebony Casanova moves his colossal cock to her ass, the husband earnestly licks her clit as she slams her asshole onto the dude’s inky black horse cock while moaning ecstatically. With the husband underneath licking Mira’s clit in doggie, their dark stud barbarically pounds her asshole with his coal black monster cock, eliciting moans and screams of whorish jubilation. Rolling into spoon, he ferociously drills his titanic tool into her juice box while she pushes her hubby's head down to lick her clit, moaning in sluttish rapture, but soon their swarthy stud is driving his ebony monster cock up her ass with her loyal hubby still licking her clit as her moans of unbridled lust fill the room. Their stud finally cums on her trimmed fur pussy coat and the husband sucks it all up, feeding some to his wife in a sloppy kiss until she orders him to swallow it all then open his mouth to prove that he did.

Mira a tiny, stunning, raven haired European goddess who’s out walking with her husband when they see a black man whom her husband convinces to fuck his wife while he watches. Unable to resist her beauty, the stud agrees. When she sees his jet black dinosaur dick, her eyes widen with excitement as she eagerly drops to her knees, savoring sucking his donkey dick with sluttish glee. Ready for more, she mounts her closely cropped hungry hole onto his ebony tower of power in reverse cowgirl, bouncing onto it while he fires his meat missile into her and she feeds her husband her pussy juice from her fingers. Once their ebony Casanova moves his colossal cock to her ass, the husband earnestly licks her clit as she slams her asshole onto the dude’s inky black horse cock while moaning ecstatically. With the husband underneath licking Mira’s clit in doggie, their dark stud barbarically pounds her asshole with his coal black monster cock, eliciting moans and screams of whorish jubilation. Rolling into spoon, he ferociously drills his titanic tool into her juice box while she pushes her hubby's head down to lick her clit, moaning in sluttish rapture, but soon their swarthy stud is driving his ebony monster cock up her ass with her loyal hubby still licking her clit as her moans of unbridled lust fill the room. Their stud finally cums on her trimmed fur pussy coat and the husband sucks it all up, feeding some to his wife in a sloppy kiss until she orders him to swallow it all then open his mouth to prove that he did.

3 years ago 1550 39:44
Barcelona is a shameless city that bears the flesh of its citizens with great pride. Margout Darko has secretly fantasized about being humiliated in public for all the world to see for many years and has dreamed of the day that Kink's sadistic masters would get their hands on her. She is self conscious and is embarrassed to expose her secret slutty self to the whole world. She is paraded down the street will being shocked and prodded along with electric zappers. She is laughed at and ridiculed by onlookers as she is made to kneel in front of a picturesque building with her perfect natural breasts hanging out of her torn dress. She can feel the eyes of repressed people judging her for her wanton ways. And, amidst her shame and the glaring judgement of the public her pussy grows wet with hunger and desire. Her masters then parade her through a public fountain and make her look ridiculous by being made to carry her shoes in her mouth. Jaws drop and people stop in their tracks as this shameless whore sheepishly shuffles by them while being ridiculed by her dominant task masters from behind. Once Margout is warmed up, she is escorted to a public party where hungry guest greedily disrobe her with their prying eyes. Quickly she is stripped bare and punished for her transgressions in public. The crowd cheers on and laughs at her while her back is relentlessly punished by a thick wooden cane. She is then tossed around and slapped in the face until her gaze meekly scans the floor of the room in search of some solace. But there is no mercy to be found. She is then tossed to the floor and two hung guys jam their massive cocks down her throat making her gag and spit up all over herself. Her drool and filth gets wiped all over her face as she begs for more cocks to face fuck her. Once all the cocks in the room are rock hard she gets tied up in restrictive and tight rope bondage. The ropes dig into her skin, abrading her flesh every time that she moves. Before she can catch her breath the first cock penetrates her tight pink pussy while a woman from the audience shoves their pussy into Margout's face. The men take turns fucking her tight whore hole and mouth while she gasps for her air. And when she reaches the heights of bliss she squirts all over herself and cries out as the multiple orgasms roll from one to the next. When the crowd grows bored of her, the men blow massive loads of cum all over her disheveled face. The crowd laughs at how ridiculous her jizz coated face looks, making her shame complete and her disgrace a complete success. Margout Darko gets punished and humiliated in public and fucked by two dom's while restrained in tight rope bondage!!

Barcelona is a shameless city that bears the flesh of its citizens with great pride. Margout Darko has secretly fantasized about being humiliated in public for all the world to see for many years and has dreamed of the day that Kink's sadistic masters would get their hands on her. She is self conscious and is embarrassed to expose her secret slutty self to the whole world. She is paraded down the street will being shocked and prodded along with electric zappers. She is laughed at and ridiculed by onlookers as she is made to kneel in front of a picturesque building with her perfect natural breasts hanging out of her torn dress. She can feel the eyes of repressed people judging her for her wanton ways. And, amidst her shame and the glaring judgement of the public her pussy grows wet with hunger and desire. Her masters then parade her through a public fountain and make her look ridiculous by being made to carry her shoes in her mouth. Jaws drop and people stop in their tracks as this shameless whore sheepishly shuffles by them while being ridiculed by her dominant task masters from behind. Once Margout is warmed up, she is escorted to a public party where hungry guest greedily disrobe her with their prying eyes. Quickly she is stripped bare and punished for her transgressions in public. The crowd cheers on and laughs at her while her back is relentlessly punished by a thick wooden cane. She is then tossed around and slapped in the face until her gaze meekly scans the floor of the room in search of some solace. But there is no mercy to be found. She is then tossed to the floor and two hung guys jam their massive cocks down her throat making her gag and spit up all over herself. Her drool and filth gets wiped all over her face as she begs for more cocks to face fuck her. Once all the cocks in the room are rock hard she gets tied up in restrictive and tight rope bondage. The ropes dig into her skin, abrading her flesh every time that she moves. Before she can catch her breath the first cock penetrates her tight pink pussy while a woman from the audience shoves their pussy into Margout's face. The men take turns fucking her tight whore hole and mouth while she gasps for her air. And when she reaches the heights of bliss she squirts all over herself and cries out as the multiple orgasms roll from one to the next. When the crowd grows bored of her, the men blow massive loads of cum all over her disheveled face. The crowd laughs at how ridiculous her jizz coated face looks, making her shame complete and her disgrace a complete success. Margout Darko gets punished and humiliated in public and fucked by two dom's while restrained in tight rope bondage!!

4 years ago 2286 4:00
When red head beauty Tana Lea marries her ideal all American dad type, the reality of Charles' eccentric behaviors lands Tana in chains, living under the cellar stairs. Desperate to work things out, Tana agrees to undergo Charles' bizarre housewife training program in order to move their relationship to the next level. Let the training begin! Gagged and on a leash Tana refuses to go back to her spot in the cellar and offers to do anything Charles wants to stay out of that dark cold dungeon. First instruction is to kneel down, hands on pussy eyes up and suck my cock! With love and gusto Tana takes Charles hard dick deep down into her throat sucking and slurping and drooling all over it. Tight nipple clamps swing from her big tits as she diligently performs her wifely duties. Then later that day while cleaning the silverware Charles tells Tana to present so she cleans all the sex toys, floggers and zappers off the living room table and climbs onto all fours to display her sexy, voluptuous body for her husband. He ties her up and disciplines her with the flogger and slaps her ass around until it turns red. Charles slides his cock into Tana's mouth again and she gets it all wet and ready for her slutty pussy. With back arched and high heels on Tana takes Charles big dick into her tight pussy and gets a hot ride that makes her cunt sing! He vibes her clit with the Hitachi and she moans with pleasure but its really Tana who wants to please her husband so she takes a good hard pounding in her little pussy until Charles is satisfied. He flips his willing wife over and ties her wrists to her ankles so her legs are spread wide, pussy exposed and crops her sensitive thighs and it gets her excited. Charles drives his cock deep inside Tana's wet cunt and fucks her good until she is screaming with delight and he shoots his hot sticky load all over his wife's pussy. Tantalizing Tana Lea is well on her way to being the kinkiest American Housewife she can be.

When red head beauty Tana Lea marries her ideal all American dad type, the reality of Charles' eccentric behaviors lands Tana in chains, living under the cellar stairs. Desperate to work things out, Tana agrees to undergo Charles' bizarre housewife training program in order to move their relationship to the next level. Let the training begin! Gagged and on a leash Tana refuses to go back to her spot in the cellar and offers to do anything Charles wants to stay out of that dark cold dungeon. First instruction is to kneel down, hands on pussy eyes up and suck my cock! With love and gusto Tana takes Charles hard dick deep down into her throat sucking and slurping and drooling all over it. Tight nipple clamps swing from her big tits as she diligently performs her wifely duties. Then later that day while cleaning the silverware Charles tells Tana to present so she cleans all the sex toys, floggers and zappers off the living room table and climbs onto all fours to display her sexy, voluptuous body for her husband. He ties her up and disciplines her with the flogger and slaps her ass around until it turns red. Charles slides his cock into Tana's mouth again and she gets it all wet and ready for her slutty pussy. With back arched and high heels on Tana takes Charles big dick into her tight pussy and gets a hot ride that makes her cunt sing! He vibes her clit with the Hitachi and she moans with pleasure but its really Tana who wants to please her husband so she takes a good hard pounding in her little pussy until Charles is satisfied. He flips his willing wife over and ties her wrists to her ankles so her legs are spread wide, pussy exposed and crops her sensitive thighs and it gets her excited. Charles drives his cock deep inside Tana's wet cunt and fucks her good until she is screaming with delight and he shoots his hot sticky load all over his wife's pussy. Tantalizing Tana Lea is well on her way to being the kinkiest American Housewife she can be.

4 years ago 349 4:00
Cindy Cupps turned down many offers from many studios to do a boy-girl scene. Then she decided to try her hand at a Tits & Tugs scene--just one--and SCORE was given the opportunity. In this remastered video, Cindy starts off wearing a sexy negligee over a bustier and seductively fucks the camera with her eyes as she displays her mounded, rounded super-cleavage. She runs her hands slowly over her huge tits, admiring them, and rightfully so. Her cleavage furrow must be at least eight inches from chest to massive areolae. How many tit-men have wanted to stick their cocks between those giant breasts as they sat in the dark and watched her dance topless at Cheetah's 3 in Pompano Beach, Florida? When she gets down to the strokin' after a good six minutes of sexy moves on the bed, Cindy gets down on the junk. She brings a definite style to her slow, seductive handiwork, first stroking his package through the boxers. She often licks and sucks her extended forefinger during her cock-fondling to bring an oral note to her technique. Or she'll wet her forefinger and then rub it from the cock-tip down along the shaft, a move designed to send electric chills up a man's spine. Cindy dangles her enormous boobs over the cock and rubs it with them. Her stroking and tit-fucking moves are so good, her hands are so talented wrapped around a cock, that you just know she knows what makes guys shoot their loads. Cindy knows and does all the little things that add up to a tremendous happy ending. Looking up at you every other minute. Gazing adoringly at your shaft. All of that is capped by the great moment when her hand milks the white out of your balls onto her chest and she continues to lie there, seductively showing you her mounds of joy drenched in your cum.

Cindy Cupps turned down many offers from many studios to do a boy-girl scene. Then she decided to try her hand at a Tits & Tugs scene--just one--and SCORE was given the opportunity. In this remastered video, Cindy starts off wearing a sexy negligee over a bustier and seductively fucks the camera with her eyes as she displays her mounded, rounded super-cleavage. She runs her hands slowly over her huge tits, admiring them, and rightfully so. Her cleavage furrow must be at least eight inches from chest to massive areolae. How many tit-men have wanted to stick their cocks between those giant breasts as they sat in the dark and watched her dance topless at Cheetah's 3 in Pompano Beach, Florida? When she gets down to the strokin' after a good six minutes of sexy moves on the bed, Cindy gets down on the junk. She brings a definite style to her slow, seductive handiwork, first stroking his package through the boxers. She often licks and sucks her extended forefinger during her cock-fondling to bring an oral note to her technique. Or she'll wet her forefinger and then rub it from the cock-tip down along the shaft, a move designed to send electric chills up a man's spine. Cindy dangles her enormous boobs over the cock and rubs it with them. Her stroking and tit-fucking moves are so good, her hands are so talented wrapped around a cock, that you just know she knows what makes guys shoot their loads. Cindy knows and does all the little things that add up to a tremendous happy ending. Looking up at you every other minute. Gazing adoringly at your shaft. All of that is capped by the great moment when her hand milks the white out of your balls onto her chest and she continues to lie there, seductively showing you her mounds of joy drenched in your cum.

3 years ago 1509 5:23
ANAL DOESN'T COUNT<br>TEEN HAS ONLY ANAL SEX TO HIDE THAT SHE'S NOT A VIRGIN FROM PARENTS<br> In her bedroom in the morning, 18-year-old Bethany is kneeling on the floor by her bedside, hunched over the bed in prayer. She appears sweet and innocent as she says thanks God for keeping her family safe, happy, and provided for, united by their love of God. She thanks God for giving her the strength to love and forgive even those who turn away from His divine light. She asks God to be with her for her calculus test this Friday... if it's not too much trouble, of course. And lastly, she promises to God that she will remain pure and chaste in body and mind, to act as his humble servant. Midway through the prayer, however, we begin to clue in that she may not be innocent and sincere after all -- we see that her eyes keep shifting back towards her partly open bedroom door, and seems to be projecting her voice just loud enough to be heard outside her room. Her sweet demeanor starts dripping with irony towards the end of her prayer. Finally, she earnestly crosses herself and says 'Amen!' before patting her lap with her hands contentedly. Mere moments later, a man's voice in the other room calling out to her -- 'Bethany, time for school!' Bethany raises her head up for the first time, looking just past the camera. She has a sarcastic smirk on her face for a long moment, before it suddenly changes to a perky and innocent smile. 'Coming, daddy!' she exclaims, before getting up off her knees, grabbing her animal backpack off the bed, and skipping out the room.<br> CUT TO TITLE PLATE<br>Bethany is walking home that same day after school. Her demeanor now that she's properly alone is extremely different from before. Though she's dressed in the same cute outfit and animal backpack as before, she walks with a swagger and is eyeing the houses to her left and right with a deviant, almost prowling expression. She stops for a moment as one house in particular catches her eye -- farther up the lawn, a young fit man is doing some yardwork, dirty and covered in sweat. She licks and bites her lips lustily. She unclips her skirt and removes it-- wearing a much shorter sluttier skirt underneath -- and stashes the longer skirt in her backpack. She also removes her headband and shakes her hair out a bit, and stashes that in her bag as well before walking up the driveway towards the house.<br> She advances up the driveway slowly, methodically. From a male gaze POV, we follow her slow walk from behind, with a tight focus on the shape of her ass cheeks bouncing into view under her skirt. As she gets closer, the man notices her and pauses what he's doing. 'Sorry, I don't want any cookies or whatever you're selling, thank you,' he shouts a bit briskly to her before trying to return back to his labor. She doesn't stop her slow approach. 'Hey,' he shouts again, 'this is private property, you can't be here.' She still doesn't stop -- from his perspective, we see her giggle and bite her finger, but she otherwise still doesn't respond. Frustrated, he drops his tools and growls 'What, are you deaf or something? YOU...' he points to her exaggeratedly... 'need to GO...' as he shoos her away with his hands. She giggles and turns around, and he's relieved to think she's getting the message. 'YES, finally,' he exclaims, though Bethany doesn't move to leave like he expected. Before he can react, Bethany lifts up the back of her skirt, briefly pops her finger into her mouth, pulls it out, and then sticks her wet finger Anal doesn't count teen has only anal sex to hide that she's not a virgin from parents into her asshole with a moan. Throughout this, she is looking back at the man, who is stunned and not sure how to react. 'Holy shit,' is all he can think of to mutter under his breath. Bethany giggles, and teasingly brings her finger back up to her mouth for a taste. She adds a second finger to her mouth, and then brings them both back down to tease her butthole with two fingers now. She winks at the man, who is standing there dumbstruck, not sure how to react to this sudden turn of events. Bethany takes her fingers back out, and pulls a phone out of her shirt pocket and dials a contact. She gestures for the man to 'shhh' while the phone rings. 'Hi, daddy!' she says cheerfully to an unheard voice on the other line. In a bubbly voice, she tells her father that she's going to be late for dinner, she's spending time with a friend (at this, she winks at the onlooking man). Yes, she had a good day at school. Yes, of course she'll be careful walking home in the dark, not to worry. Yes, she'll have a great time at her friend's (another wink). She tells her father she has to go, they're about to say grace. She hangs up, and then looks back to the stranger. 'Now, where were we?' she says in a much more sultry tone.<br> SMASH CUT TO the interior of a bedroom, where the door bursts open. The stranger enters, carrying Bethany in a standing cowgirl position and making out with her furiously. After a few seconds of this, he brings her to the bed and throws her down, then starts undoing his pants frantically. She starts undressing too, but more nonchalantly, almost with catlike indifference. He peels off his shirt and is about to move in, but then pauses. 'Wait, you're 18 though, right?' She looks at him with a sarcastic pout. 'Awww, you men are so cute, always so worried about jailbait. Yes, I'm 18, you're not gonna get in aaaany trouble.' He asks what her name is, and she rolls her eyes and says 'ugh, don't spoil the mood,' before pulling him in for more aggressive kissing.<br> Sensing that she wants it to be a quickie, the stranger tries to proceed to the main event without any oral and moves to stick his dick in her pussy. She stops him and says 'nuh-uh, I only do anal. Got any lube?' He's taken aback, but reaches to his bedside table to fetch some -- not that he's complaining, but why only anal? She looks back at him with a wry smile -- because she's supposed to be a virgin on her wedding day, and all that archaic misogynistic bullshit her parents push on her. Lucky for her, she says, anal doesn't count. Her parents have no way to know. So he should quit all the yapping and fuck her in the ass - before she gets bored.

In her bedroom in the morning, 18-year-old Bethany is kneeling on the floor by her bedside, hunched over the bed in prayer. She appears sweet and innocent as she says thanks God for keeping her family safe, happy, and provided for, united by their love of God. She thanks God for giving her the strength to love and forgive even those who turn away from His divine light. She asks God to be with her for her calculus test this Friday... if it's not too much trouble, of course. And lastly, she promises to God that she will remain pure and chaste in body and mind, to act as his humble servant. Midway through the prayer, however, we begin to clue in that she may not be innocent and sincere after all -- we see that her eyes keep shifting back towards her partly open bedroom door, and seems to be projecting her voice just loud enough to be heard outside her room. Her sweet demeanor starts dripping with irony towards the end of her prayer. Finally, she earnestly crosses herself and says 'Amen!' before patting her lap with her hands contentedly. Mere moments later, a man's voice in the other room calling out to her -- 'Bethany, time for school!' Bethany raises her head up for the first time, looking just past the camera. She has a sarcastic smirk on her face for a long moment, before it suddenly changes to a perky and innocent smile. 'Coming, daddy!' she exclaims, before getting up off her knees, grabbing her animal backpack off the bed, and skipping out the room.
Bethany is walking home that same day after school. Her demeanor now that she's properly alone is extremely different from before. Though she's dressed in the same cute outfit and animal backpack as before, she walks with a swagger and is eyeing the houses to her left and right with a deviant, almost prowling expression. She stops for a moment as one house in particular catches her eye -- farther up the lawn, a young fit man is doing some yardwork, dirty and covered in sweat. She licks and bites her lips lustily. She unclips her skirt and removes it-- wearing a much shorter sluttier skirt underneath -- and stashes the longer skirt in her backpack. She also removes her headband and shakes her hair out a bit, and stashes that in her bag as well before walking up the driveway towards the house.
She advances up the driveway slowly, methodically. From a male gaze POV, we follow her slow walk from behind, with a tight focus on the shape of her ass cheeks bouncing into view under her skirt. As she gets closer, the man notices her and pauses what he's doing. 'Sorry, I don't want any cookies or whatever you're selling, thank you,' he shouts a bit briskly to her before trying to return back to his labor. She doesn't stop her slow approach. 'Hey,' he shouts again, 'this is private property, you can't be here.' She still doesn't stop -- from his perspective, we see her giggle and bite her finger, but she otherwise still doesn't respond. Frustrated, he drops his tools and growls 'What, are you deaf or something? YOU...' he points to her exaggeratedly... 'need to GO...' as he shoos her away with his hands. She giggles and turns around, and he's relieved to think she's getting the message. 'YES, finally,' he exclaims, though Bethany doesn't move to leave like he expected. Before he can react, Bethany lifts up the back of her skirt, briefly pops her finger into her mouth, pulls it out, and then sticks her wet finger Anal doesn't count teen has only anal sex to hide that she's not a virgin from parents into her asshole with a moan. Throughout this, she is looking back at the man, who is stunned and not sure how to react. 'Holy shit,' is all he can think of to mutter under his breath. Bethany giggles, and teasingly brings her finger back up to her mouth for a taste. She adds a second finger to her mouth, and then brings them both back down to tease her butthole with two fingers now. She winks at the man, who is standing there dumbstruck, not sure how to react to this sudden turn of events. Bethany takes her fingers back out, and pulls a phone out of her shirt pocket and dials a contact. She gestures for the man to 'shhh' while the phone rings. 'Hi, daddy!' she says cheerfully to an unheard voice on the other line. In a bubbly voice, she tells her father that she's going to be late for dinner, she's spending time with a friend (at this, she winks at the onlooking man). Yes, she had a good day at school. Yes, of course she'll be careful walking home in the dark, not to worry. Yes, she'll have a great time at her friend's (another wink). She tells her father she has to go, they're about to say grace. She hangs up, and then looks back to the stranger. 'Now, where were we?' she says in a much more sultry tone.
SMASH CUT TO the interior of a bedroom, where the door bursts open. The stranger enters, carrying Bethany in a standing cowgirl position and making out with her furiously. After a few seconds of this, he brings her to the bed and throws her down, then starts undoing his pants frantically. She starts undressing too, but more nonchalantly, almost with catlike indifference. He peels off his shirt and is about to move in, but then pauses. 'Wait, you're 18 though, right?' She looks at him with a sarcastic pout. 'Awww, you men are so cute, always so worried about jailbait. Yes, I'm 18, you're not gonna get in aaaany trouble.' He asks what her name is, and she rolls her eyes and says 'ugh, don't spoil the mood,' before pulling him in for more aggressive kissing.
Sensing that she wants it to be a quickie, the stranger tries to proceed to the main event without any oral and moves to stick his dick in her pussy. She stops him and says 'nuh-uh, I only do anal. Got any lube?' He's taken aback, but reaches to his bedside table to fetch some -- not that he's complaining, but why only anal? She looks back at him with a wry smile -- because she's supposed to be a virgin on her wedding day, and all that archaic misogynistic bullshit her parents push on her. Lucky for her, she says, anal doesn't count. Her parents have no way to know. So he should quit all the yapping and fuck her in the ass - before she gets bored.

4 years ago 962 6:14
Anal fans, get excited. This week I've got an exotic hypersexual little 18 year old who will do almost anything, from letting me face fuck her to anal sex to a facial that completely glazes her eyes shut. I found Lanina at the University of Arizona where her cute light brown skin and tight little spinner body caught my eye.We start off, as usual, getting to know each other in the car where Lanina explains that she's not really Latina but just a cute, dark skinned mutt. I'm very okay with that because she follows it up with a detailed explanation of her sexual likes (everything.) From girl on girl where she admits to fucking her friends to ass play to her love of cum and cumplay, there's nothing this girl hasn't tried. In my experience a girl who loves cum loves to suck cock, so I have her give me road head to get this party started.Her oral skills are fantastic, so my theory is still legit. She really gets into it, lots of hand motion, lots of spit. It's so good I have to stop her before I blow my load. I'm not making that mistake two weeks in a row! We head back to the location to get the real fun started.We got most of the interview done in the car, but while I get the cameras set up we chat some more and Lanina reveals that she often fingers her ass while she masturbates which is just FUCKING hot. It also means that when I suggest anal, she's game to try it. I love me some anal, so this shoot just improved a lot. I have her get naked and she's as excited as I am, her pussy is already a little wet. Between my fingers in her ass and pussy, a toy and her own fingers, she's driven to her first orgasm. Once she cums, she's in a very high state of arousal, her pussy is soaked and creamy and even when I step away for a second, she continues to pound her pussy with the toy. This girl is a sex fiend.I get her positioned on a pillow and dive into that pussy. It's great, she's really responsive and tight but I can't help but see her little starfish staring up at me begging for my cock.

Anal fans, get excited. This week I've got an exotic hypersexual little 18 year old who will do almost anything, from letting me face fuck her to anal sex to a facial that completely glazes her eyes shut. I found Lanina at the University of Arizona where her cute light brown skin and tight little spinner body caught my eye.We start off, as usual, getting to know each other in the car where Lanina explains that she's not really Latina but just a cute, dark skinned mutt. I'm very okay with that because she follows it up with a detailed explanation of her sexual likes (everything.) From girl on girl where she admits to fucking her friends to ass play to her love of cum and cumplay, there's nothing this girl hasn't tried. In my experience a girl who loves cum loves to suck cock, so I have her give me road head to get this party started.Her oral skills are fantastic, so my theory is still legit. She really gets into it, lots of hand motion, lots of spit. It's so good I have to stop her before I blow my load. I'm not making that mistake two weeks in a row! We head back to the location to get the real fun started.We got most of the interview done in the car, but while I get the cameras set up we chat some more and Lanina reveals that she often fingers her ass while she masturbates which is just FUCKING hot. It also means that when I suggest anal, she's game to try it. I love me some anal, so this shoot just improved a lot. I have her get naked and she's as excited as I am, her pussy is already a little wet. Between my fingers in her ass and pussy, a toy and her own fingers, she's driven to her first orgasm. Once she cums, she's in a very high state of arousal, her pussy is soaked and creamy and even when I step away for a second, she continues to pound her pussy with the toy. This girl is a sex fiend.I get her positioned on a pillow and dive into that pussy. It's great, she's really responsive and tight but I can't help but see her little starfish staring up at me begging for my cock. "Jay" it's saying, "Fill me up, Jay." As I'd hoped, Lanina doesn't even hesitate when I ask about anal, she relaxes right into it. Let me tell you, it's everything I hoped it would be. I fuck her ass until she can't take anymore and then I have her clean my dick off in her mouth. It's really hot. I let her ride me in cowgirl until I'm ready to pop and I glaze her face with a cumshot so huge I'm lightheaded afterward.If you are the kind of guy who is really into hardcore sex crazed sluts, be sure to stay tuned after the pop shot for a little behind the scenes where Lanina gives me a little insight into her sex life as she gives me a friendly 'off camera' goodbye beej. Normally I don't like a girl to be a chatty Cathy when she's sucking me off but the story she tells in this clip is just insane, you have to watch.

4 years ago 793 9:30